WhatsApp Mentoring APP

Connections that develop skills

Boost your team's development with a complete and collaborative mentoring platform.

Connections that develop skills

Boost your team's development with a complete and collaborative mentoring platform.

Challenges of professional development in companies

Talent Turnover

The lack of development and recognition leads to the loss of valuable professionals, impacting productivity and the organizational climate.

Professional Stagnation

Without opportunities for learning and growth, talent feels demotivated and seeks new challenges in other companies.

Ineffective Development Programs

Traditional training often does not engage employees, resulting in low utilization and little impact on professional development.

Transform your company's development culture


Talent retention and increased engagement.


Development of skills and competencies.


Improved communication and collaboration between teams.


Strengthening the culture of continuous learning.


Complete and collaborative mentoring platform

Complete and collaborative mentoring platform

  • Easily connect mentors and mentees based on career interests and goals.
  • Schedule individual or group mentoring sessions, face-to-face or online, with flexibility and practicality.
  • Track mentoring progress with personalized development plans and ongoing feedback.
  • Promote a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and talent development.

We help you make the right decisions for your business.

Count on Dadoteca to transform your data into strategic information and make the best decisions.


Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, 600 | Torre Ásia | Bloco B | Sala 736 | Centro Metropolitano | Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
(21) 98282-1640
(21) 3995-3524

Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, 600 | Torre Ásia | Bloco B | Sala 736 | Centro Metropolitano | Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
(21) 98282-1640
(21) 3995-3524